TIC Masterclass

2 min readAug 18, 2020

Take the masterclass on TICs (Tenants in Common) and know everything you need to purchase your first TIC home.

Online Video Tutorial

Want to learn about TICs and how they came to Los Angeles?

Want to know the process in purchasing a TIC home?

Tune In for the TIC Masterclass, taught on a YouTube series brought to you by Lauren Biedenharn.


Want to learn more about TICS?

Share and Download our FREE TIC Brochure

Check out, save and share our TIC to-go brochure for everything TIC In Los Angeles.

Check It out here → TIC Brochure

Want to see the current Los Angeles TICs available for sale now?

L.A. TICs for Sale

Meet: Lauren Biedenharn

Trusted, Tech-Savvy Real Estate.

